All artwork on this blog is Copyright 2023 Turtel Onli , and other dates. All Rights Protected & not to be remixed, rebooted or used commercially without a signed agreement with Prof. Onli.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Introducing the cool illustrations from Johnathan Ford for
Above: Johnathan Ford at the Alley Cat Comic Book Store signing his
 Nu-Look oversized Trading Cards for ONLI STUDIOS LLC.

Prof. Onli had a great time with the ever-cool Selena and Staff
 of the Alley Cat Comic Book Store during its Juneteenth signing. 

Personal care, fitness and healthy options are in the "Mega Sustah-Girl Work Out Book" featuring Sustah-Girl: Queen of the Black Age. It is coming to you. 

Great for individuals, classes, teams, trainers and you!

Entirely illustrated by various important talented female artists. This book includes resources, work-out routines, personal care formulas and more. Written under the supervision of Coaches and Professional Trainers. 
 Presented in an intelligently creative format that is adaptable to the user's needs, plans, desires and level.
"Fight Book!" is coming!! Big Thick is in the house! From Onli with color by Kali!


"The original Malcolm-10" Rhythmistic comic book that introduced his deep urbane look is no longer available from ONLI STUDIOS. His look sparked a vampire film franchise. Onli created and introduced that radical look to the world in 1993...then came the corporate haters. 

Smart bold fans and collectors have cleared them out.


  Much luv from ONLI STUDIOS for all of that fan-fave participation of fun, fire & funk.  The original story and more of Malcolm-10 can be found in Team BLANGA with new dope flow in the wordless open to your input or narration creativity story-telling Drawn For The Rhythmic Zone.

Team BLANGA will no longer include the awesome hit music on the included CD from Hardy Headz.  Instead, more oversized trading cards will be inside of each packaged book to enhance the fan's experience as ONLI STUDIOS shows its appreciation.  ONLI STUDIOS is looking to focus on the more desirable Graphic Novel format in its publishing operation. 

Over 130 pages of inked Rhythmistic Fun, Fire, Flow & Funk!

Where a picture is still worth a thousand words! 

Your words matter! 

You craft the narrative when it's "Drawn For The Rhythmic Zone"!

The fans have demanded and ONLI STUDIOS has listened. 

No more corporate brands and co-oped creativity. 

More content, more narrative art, and more Rhythmism!


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