All artwork on this blog is Copyright 2023 Turtel Onli , and other dates. All Rights Protected & not to be remixed, rebooted or used commercially without a signed agreement with Prof. Onli.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

In the Rhythmic-Zone of ONLI STUDIOS your concepts look as good as you do!

Lookin' good in your ONLI STUDIOS' Graphic Novel kinda way! 
While saying good-bye to all those webs, shields, claws, hammers & capes!

 Indie, Alternative, Afrofuturism, Urbanism, & Rhythmism!

"What are you waiting for? 

Once you go Black, you may never wanna go back!!"

(Click on any image to enlarge for an improved experience.)

"What$ in your collection?"

You will luv the fantastic Future-Primitif Graphic Novels & Comix 
from ONLI STUDIOS LLC that go from and flow beyond the limits of the mainstream.

Free you mind!

Giving you more luv!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Beyond the boring pale of werewolves & vampires!

"Sasa The New Face of Horror" is on Amazon as a dynamic eBook! Link

Sumpthun for da the precious Buyers, cool Collectors and boldly paying Fans here: Halloween and El Dia De Los Muertos are cosmic twins in this season.

 If it's a horror you's a wanting, then it's a horror you will be getting.
 Sasa is giving a new wicked Rhythmistic twist to horror! 

 Don't let her light skin fool you!!! Per ONLI STUDIOS LLC. The emerging horror classic. "Sasa: The New Face of Horror". 

Your booty-cakes will never be the same. 

 But first you gotta buy her.

 Print versions directly from ONLI STUDIOS comes packed with our over-sized limited edition Rhythmistic Trading Cards. 

Then there is also the ever-cool Kindle ready Ebook per Amazon. 

For your fright-nite special!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

 Since 1982 there has been a Funk among us!  From ONLI STUDIOS LLC.

Creating the future with da FUNK!

Monday, September 19, 2022

 Welcome to a sure path to be free from being a page-slave to the mainstream. 

Free your mind, and your pages will follow!

                                                   Lame loyalty is over! 


 Free your mind and the pages will follow!  

Fans celebrating "NOG: The Nubian of Greatness" 
at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.

No more blindly scurrying after the next blurb from their predictable heroes and stale plots.  

Discover the new, cool, unique concepts, content and contexts

 in the Rhythmistic products from ONLI STUDIOS!

No more being seduced by the mainstream's profit gauging attempts to block the Indie flow with its inauthentic representational fake-overs of its inflated exhausted overrated brands as diversity.

You have always deserved better!

         Welcome to the future that is so now & always!

But then you already know this and have your brilliant escape plan.

Origins of Team Blanga 

Heroes of the Black Age

by Turtel Onli

Published by Onli Studios

96p, full color cover and b&w interior, 6.5"x10.5", comes with music video link to 
Brothas?! by the award winning, legendary, all female Techno-House Band Akiboards. 

Asking the daring question for the ages!


Onli Studio's goes beyond the limits of the mainstream in this Origins of Blanga is a dense exciting ride with three Black Powered superheroes through the tripped-out realms of New Afrika and Planet NUBA. Malcolm-10, Sustah Girl and NOG simultaneously fight complicated evil that rages throughout Da Jects and threatens the Rhythmic Zone. 

Malcolm-10's two episodes are frenzied-action urban warfare with some sci-fi flare as Malcolm takes on a bunch of Negro-Nazis in Da Jects. 

Sustah Girl's story, the funniest piece and also my favorite, is about her morphing from schoolteacher to amazonian warrior and grappling with an enraged color-struck hater Sick Sister's with aching feet and entranced legion of all male Hypnots. 

The story of NOG is the one most based in the Rhythmic Zone, saturated with Nubian legend and poetic visuals. It's also the clearest explanation of the passageway through the realms of the Blanga universe and the inter-connectedness of its unique heroes. Bold, yet personal Onli's Blanga manages the balancing act of getting the reader wrapped up in a lot of High Weirdness while still having something powerful to say.

"Team BLANGA" is a collector's dream that blends a 96 Black & White page Graphic Novel of Rhythmistic Fun, Fire, & Funk, plus limited edition over-sized Trading Cards, with a hyper-link to a rare performance by the all-female Techno-House band Akiboards asking the ultimate question of "Brothas''?. -EF 

Once you go Black you may never go back!!!!!  Lucky you!

Monday, September 12, 2022

 Where does one go to see, visit & support a section of rack in a store dedicated to indie Black Age products, Graphic Novels or Comics?

Surely you know of a few?

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 Sasa is killing them as she went worldwide from the South Side. 

Sasa is now on Amazon Kindle. Link!

Sasa is the new face of horror!!!
LINK! For print copies.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Fans in search of concepts beyond the limits of the mainstream checking out the Founding Artist of ONLI STUDIOS, Prof. Onli,  presentation of ONLI STUDIOS" products & The Rhythmic Zone at the downtown Chicago Graham Crackers mega comix store.

Prof. Onli presenting crucial Rhythmistic characters, Sustah-Girl & Malcolm-10 at the Krannert Museum on the campus of the University of Illinois, Champaign to astute fans 
in search of new trends in comix and Graphic Novels.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Introducing the cool illustrations from Johnathan Ford for
Above: Johnathan Ford at the Alley Cat Comic Book Store signing his
 Nu-Look oversized Trading Cards for ONLI STUDIOS LLC.

Prof. Onli had a great time with the ever-cool Selena and Staff
 of the Alley Cat Comic Book Store during its Juneteenth signing. 

Personal care, fitness and healthy options are in the "Mega Sustah-Girl Work Out Book" featuring Sustah-Girl: Queen of the Black Age. It is coming to you. 

Great for individuals, classes, teams, trainers and you!

Entirely illustrated by various important talented female artists. This book includes resources, work-out routines, personal care formulas and more. Written under the supervision of Coaches and Professional Trainers. 
 Presented in an intelligently creative format that is adaptable to the user's needs, plans, desires and level.
"Fight Book!" is coming!! Big Thick is in the house! From Onli with color by Kali!


"The original Malcolm-10" Rhythmistic comic book that introduced his deep urbane look is no longer available from ONLI STUDIOS. His look sparked a vampire film franchise. Onli created and introduced that radical look to the world in 1993...then came the corporate haters. 

Smart bold fans and collectors have cleared them out.


  Much luv from ONLI STUDIOS for all of that fan-fave participation of fun, fire & funk.  The original story and more of Malcolm-10 can be found in Team BLANGA with new dope flow in the wordless open to your input or narration creativity story-telling Drawn For The Rhythmic Zone.

Team BLANGA will no longer include the awesome hit music on the included CD from Hardy Headz.  Instead, more oversized trading cards will be inside of each packaged book to enhance the fan's experience as ONLI STUDIOS shows its appreciation.  ONLI STUDIOS is looking to focus on the more desirable Graphic Novel format in its publishing operation. 

Over 130 pages of inked Rhythmistic Fun, Fire, Flow & Funk!

Where a picture is still worth a thousand words! 

Your words matter! 

You craft the narrative when it's "Drawn For The Rhythmic Zone"!

The fans have demanded and ONLI STUDIOS has listened. 

No more corporate brands and co-oped creativity. 

More content, more narrative art, and more Rhythmism!